one day when I become a museum by Juliana Chang

one day when I become a museum
little girls are gonna walk by
my mouth
and point with two hands.

they’ll tug on their mothers’ shirts
and ask
what’s that tongue
sitting all pretty like that for
and what’s that thing that swings
like cold honey
and is that the whole sun I see in there
and isn’t that where the water wants to go—

how come we let it be
just there
like that?


Juliana Chang is a Taiwanese American poet. She is the 2019 recipient of the Urmy/Hardy Poetry Prize, the 2017 recipient of the Wiley Birkhofer Poetry Prize, and a 2015 Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Medalist in Poetry. She received a BA in Linguistics and a MA in Sociology from Stanford University in 2019.

2 thoughts on “one day when I become a museum by Juliana Chang

  1. Pingback: Juliana Chang’s debut, “Inheritance,” wins the 2020 Vella Chapbook Contest – Dryland

  2. Hannah Reed

    I love this poem so much– the strangeness and familiairity of it, how a mouth detached and displayed is both misplaced and fitting. Its so wondrous, the mouth opened wide, the uvulu swinging and this glow from the back of the throat, something coming up, coming out, no longer sucking in. Its very interesting.


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